Installation & Setup

Setting up the server

The first time you start the Signal server you will be presented with a configuration screen allowing you to select the media player you'd like to control. Select your desired media player from this screen and click OK. The server application will be minimized to the Signal icon in the system tray and you're now ready to connect a Pocket PC client.

Your PC's firewall software may display a prompt asking if you wish to allow Signal access to your network. Select the option to always allow Signal full access, in most cases this will be the firewall prompt's default option.

When you start the server in the future it will only appear as the system tray icon since it already has all the information it needs to control your chosen media player. If you want to change the controlled media player in the future you can click on the system tray icon to bring up the server's configuration screen. If you wish to close the server application you can right-click on the system tray icon and select "Exit".

Connecting an iPhone or iPod touch

To connect your iPhone or iPod touch open Safari on your mobile device and enter the URL displayed by the Signal application on your PC. No software installation is needed for these devices, as the entire interface is able to be delivered through the device's web browser.

Connecting a Pocket PC

When installing the Signal application on your PC an option is available to install the Pocket PC client. You can choose to use this option to install the Pocket PC application via ActiveSync, or you can enter the URL displayed by the Signal application in Pocket Internet Explorer and install over your wireless network.

When you start the Signal application on your Pocket PC it will initially display the connect screen and begin searching for the Signal server in your network. Once the client locates the PC the Signal server is running on it will automatically connect and display the main control screen.

If Auto-Discovery Is Not Possible:
If the Pocket PC client is unable to find the Signal server in your network configuration a message will be displayed indicating that auto-discovery is not possible. If you see this message first verify that the Signal server is running on your PC. If the server is not running, start it and retry auto-discovery by tapping the Connect button. If the server is already running you may need to manually specify the location of the PC running the Signal server. To do this enter your desktop PC's IP address or computer name in the "Server Address" field, then tap Connect.

If the media player you've configured Signal to control is already running on your PC Signal will display its current playlist and song information. If the media player is not currently running Signal will automatically start it for you. Once you see the main control screen configuration is complete and you're ready to begin controlling your media player!